Monday, November 23, 2009

April 11/23

Breakfast:  Handful of cheesey crackers and a few slices of pepperoni

Lunch: A few pieces of beef jerky.

Snack: A couple Madeline cookies.

Dinner: Bean Burrito at Taco Bell.

I took/walked the boys to the park today, a little over 3 miles round trip.  I was an idiot and wore my flip flops so I couldn't run some of it like I wanted.  I think I deserve extra points for pushing my fatty babies...that is 70+ pounds I am arms are killing me.

1 comment:

  1. You totally get extra points for pushing two fatties. I pushed both of my boys until like 6 months ago. Now I make Gavin walk. I think Harry probably weighs as much a Gavin though. HA!
    You did awesome with your eating today too. Way to go!
