Thursday, December 3, 2009

Becca's F & E 12/03

Breakfast - water, 2 slices honey wheat toast, fresh strawberries

Lunch - I don't remember...I know I ate something, but not sure what.

Dinner - Salad with ranch, hamburger patty with no bun, half an avocado

Snack - Not feeling snackish...but if I have something it will be fruit. Oh maybe some fruit cocktail...

Exercise - A few short walks with Yoda, 30 minutes each.  And a bit of the Shimmy - not the full episode.  I was having an off day today.  NOTHING was working right for me - work stuff wasn't cooperating, kept forgetting things, couldn't help Carus with homework, couldn't plan dinner, got a bleach spot on my favorite black shirt (I'm still very mad about this), and on and on... I should go to bed before I start injuring myself.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had such a off day, it has been going around. Hang in there cuz!
