Friday, December 11, 2009

April 12/11

I cheated again today, I make myself sick.  

Breakfast: Medi-Fast Oatmeal
Lunch:  PB&J on evil white bread.
Dinner:  Burrito

Work Out: Walked around my neighborhood with the boys to see X-mas lights, about 1 miles, 25 minutes.

I ate a lot of snacks too, I can not even remember all of them.  I am gonna try to start over again tomorrow.
I am gonna go cry into my pillow now.


  1. It makes me sad that you beat yourself up so much when you cheat. Maybe if you can keep yourself from feeling so bad about a teeny cheat you won't need to cheat more. Do I make sense?

    What if you just balance it out? If you cheat take another walk around the neighborhood. And let the boys both walk, it will give you more of a workout chasing them around.

    You are doing really good April! Don't feel so bad :)

  2. I am only so hard on myself cause I can't ever seem to NOT cheat...if I went a few weeks then cheated I wouldn't feel near as guilty. But it is almost everyday. Blah...I just need more will power.

  3. I hear ya, I have very little will power too. That's why it took me 15 years to fully stop smoking. Ugh, when I count it up it sounds more horrible, even though I know there were lots of big and little breaks in there...
