Sunday, December 20, 2009

April 12.19

No workout today, I will make up for it tomorrow.  
Please tell me God we aren't having a weigh-in tomorrow.  I already know I have gained back all my weight.
Also, I did drink a couple sodas tonight, but I needed help staying awake.  I have been up til 3-4am the past couple nights trying to finish my niece's Christmas quilt.  I am a horrible quilter.  Anyway, I am back off for good tomorrow!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Becca 12/19

Workout - I vacuumed and shampooed the carpets in 2 bedrooms, the hall and 1/2 the stairs.  I also vacuumed 1 more bedroom - but I'm not shampooing that one.

Friday, December 18, 2009

April 12.18

Workout: I lugged Harry around the mall for an hour, the kid weighs 33 freakin' pounds.  My back is killing me.  Also walked the neighborhood, about 30 minutes.

I was so depressed tonight, literally in tears, when we took our Santa pictures.  They looked so cute, the boys were adorable with their new hair cuts.  I ruined the whole picture.  And I am not exaggerating or fishing for compliments.  The family looked great, except for my fat face right in front.  It cost $40 for the picture and cd, so there is no way Jay will let me take another...and these are the ones we have to send out to everyone.  I am so embarrassed.

I really hope this kicks up my working out, and eating less and healthier.  If anything would, this would be it.

Becca 12/18

Breakfast - 2 slices honey wheat berry toast, 1 cup tea

Lunch - something out of the fridge...

Dinner - tuna salad on ritz crackers, handful of cheese popcorn, handful of caramel popcorn (got one of those tins)

Exercise - Shampooing the dining room carpet - Yea, the dining room has carpet, oh the joys of renting

Holiday Break

Okay so let's do a one week break from posting food journals. Everyone enjoy their holiday goodies guilt free. Lets post our exercise though. We want to maintain the weight we've lost by exercising while we're not dieting. I plan to enjoy some yummy cookies and treats with the boys on Sunday while we bake. I hope you all enjoy your break too!

April 12.17

Breakfast: One piece of toast on whole wheat bread.
Lunch: 1 of Clark's chicken nuggets, and a few pieces of beef jerky.
Dinner:  Bean Burrito from Taco Bell.

Workout: 1 mile, slow walking.  This cough is getting to me, and my asthma is flaring up so I have to take it easy for a couple days.

No soda :)

Also, for the next two weeks, until New Years, I am not going to be doing any specific diet.  I have so much baking and holiday cheer to spread, and I don't want to be left out.  I am going to still keep off soda, and keep my portions SUPER small (like 1/2 of what I would normally eat).  Also since Jason has a lot of time off I am going to really concentrate on my running and working out.  Jan 1. I am going to finish my Medi-Fast meals, and then start my detox diet again.  Christmas cookies here I come!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Becca 12/17

Breakfast - Lemon poppyseed scone. 2 cups tea, no sweetners/sugar/honey (LOVE raspberry tea)

Lunch - Some leftovers, don't remember what it was.

Dinner - Grilled pork steak, salad w/ ceasar dressing, and risotto.  I made the risotto homemade for the first time - I guess I got the wrong cheeses though.  It was too strong and not much of it was eaten...

Exercise:  None (totally gonna make up for it tomorrow with super cleaning and carpet shampooing)

Ray's F&E 12/17/09

Sugar Free Instant Breakfast

Southbeach Pizza on a whole wheat wrap


Wendy's Taco Salad

Piece of french bread (Bad me! It was so warm and fresh. I just had to have a piece.

one hour spin class. I was so not in the mood for it. I have been feeling so shitty without caffeine. This is only day two. I don't know if I will make it. If I don't feel any better after two weeks I am so getting back on :)

April 12.16

Breakfast: Half a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread.

I got half way through my morning diet Mt. Dew before I remembered our new goal.  I didn't finish it.  
To be fair I really needed it though cause I was up til 4AM with Harry, dumb baby.

No Lunch

Dinner: Whole wheat pasta with chicken and peas & carrots.

NO workout, but I did clean my house from top to bottom, and I consider that just as good.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ray F&E 12/16/09

Sugar free instant breakfast

chicken salad in a bowl


Lunch sized portion of Olive Garden whole wheat pasta with chicken and Alfredo
bowl of Zuppa Tuscano (I ate around the potatoes, mostly just broth and sausage and kale)

Hour on the treadmill. I mostly walked. I have such a bad headache from lack of caffeine. I made it through the day without soda though. Woot!

Becca for 12/16

Breakfast - Didn't get breakfast.  I wanted it and I was going to have another bowl of honey nut cheerios cause they were so nummy, but didn't get to it. 

Lunch - Went to a work meeting.  They are once a month and I spend the morning catching a quick shower (since I never remember to shower the night before or get up early), actually doing my makeup and finding nice 'work' clothes to wear.  We had our Chrstimas party today and had Baja Fresh steak and chicken fajitas - I had 1 fajita of each, plus a few tortilla chips.  Someone brought a TON of cookies and then put a platter right in front of me, but I only had 1.  And it was one w/o a ton of icing or chocolate.

However, I got an iced latte.  That was very very bad of me I know.  I'm starting tea for caffiene tomorrow since I don't need sweetner of any kind for it (or will drink coffee with no fat creamer).

Dinner - Chicken parmesan.  I made sure I kept my portion small and I baked the chicken after frying to get crispy.

Snack - Not feeling snacky.  I don't think I will.  If I get snacky I'll grab an orange.

I had 60 to 80 oz of water today (was using a water bottle) so yay for water.

Exercise:  None. But my cramps are finally going away and I'll pick it back up tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

April 12.15

Breakfast: MF Oatmeal
Clark burned his foot, therefore everything after breakfast is a foggy blur, there was really too much going on to have time to work out.  And I skipped eating all day, and had one too many soda's (good thing we start our new goal tomorrow).
Late Dinner: Nachos-Bad April

Becca's F & E 12/15

Breakfast - Bowl of honey nut cheerios

Lunch - Turkey, bacon and avocado crossiant (with lettuce and tomato, and mayo).  Oh so good.  Small low-fat white chocolate mocha.  I need to find a new caffiene source...maybe buy some coffee to make coffee at home.  I have no fat creamer... I can be a little slow.

Dinner - Leftover nacho chicken casserole with a bit of lite sour cream and half an avocado. 

Just realized I haven't had ANYthing to drink today except that coffee...maybe a glass of water this morning but I don't remember for sure....ugh that is BAD.  How did that happen?

Exercise:  None.

Ray's F&E 12/15/09

Half a whole wheat bagel with a tiny bit of cream cheese

bowl of chicken salad

We went out to Jaxie's for dinner and I had a Chicken Salad Salad (so chicken salad on a green salad) w/low cal ranch. It was awesome. I am on a chicken salad kick really bad.

One hour spin class. I am now in the intermediate class. Its so much harder, but I love it!

A one week Challenge!

Okay we really need something to get this fat club going. We are all doing great but we need to kick it up. I thought maybe we could do a one week challenge. Each week we will trade off challenging eachother to do something.
I will start the weekly challenges.
My Challenge for everyone is to get off soda and fruit juices too. Fruit Juice is just as bad as soda, if not worse because it has a higher calorie content. Fruit Juice is just the water and fructose from a piece of fruit. You don't get the benefits of the fiber of the fruit. So its bad bad for you. Especially on a diet.
If you drink even one 8oz glass of soda you are drinking 100 calories. Or the equivalent of walking one mile. So every can of soda = 1 mile.

Diet soda is better than regular. But diet soda isn't a health drink or a silver bullet for weight loss. Although switching from regular soda to diet soda may save you calories, some studies suggest that drinking more than one soda a day — regular or diet — increases your risk of obesity and related health problems such as type 2 diabetes. Fake sugar tricks your body into thinking you've had sugar without the calories sugar brings. Causing your body to become hungry after every non caloric soda you intake. It causes excess snacking and the need for sweeter foods.

I am a HUGE diet soda drinker. I drink 6 cans + a day. I have constant headaches and bloating. I am constantly anxious from the caffeine. So I would love if everyone would support me in getting off of soda, by getting off it with me!

So at the end of your food journal post whether you avoided soda or not. If you make it a week and don't feel any better you are welcome to get back on it. But if you feel better or have lost more weight, stick with it!

Monday, December 14, 2009

April 12/14

I stayed on Medi-Fast all day. 

Breakfast: MF Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
Lunch: MF Chicken Noodle Soup
Dinner: Salmon and broccoli, also Jay made me have a bite of his meatloaf he made (it was actually good).
Snack: MF Mocha Shake 

Workout: 2.5 miles jogging/walking, a little over 45 mins.

I kept all my rules/goals today...except my snack was past 8pm, but I will still be up for a few more hours so I think it is ok.

Ray's F&E 12/14/09


Small bowl of baked beans

Large bowl of chicken Salad (chicken, grapes, celery, green onions, and lite mayo.

No exercise today. I had so much to do and an eye doctor appointment. I am going to spinning tomorrow though. So I will work out extra hard.

Becca's F & E 12/13 and 12/14


Breakfast: Apple pie muffin, small white chocolate mocha.  I was at starbucks getting giftcards for Robert's bosses and couldn't resist.  Plus I needed it to get through the day.

Lunch - technically was the apple pie muffin and coffee.  I skipped either breakfast or lunch.

Dinner - 2 bowls beef stew and 2 slices sour dough toast.  Cherry 7up. 

Also:  4 LARGE shots of vodka, handful of mini oreos, handful of Sprees

Exercise:  Shopping.  I finished Christmas shopping and did grocery shopping.  I was shopping for 6 hours, then there is the lifting the heavy crap into the cart, out of the cart into the car, and then from car to house. Also I had a mini breakdown.  I hate my period.  I didn't have it for 6 months and then for the past 3 I'm right on time but it is all supersized and I hate it.  PMS and cramps and etc is 50 times worse than it has ever been. i.e. the 4 shots of vodka.  Also, my shoulder was so swollen and hurt so bad it was all I could do to walk through the freakin stores and not cry from pushing the stupid carts. 

I will update later today for 12/14

Breakfast - ham and cheese omelet

Lunch - Bowl of stew

Dinner - Nacho chicken casserole, dollop of lite sour cream, half an avocado.

Snack - handful mother's animal circus cookies, 2 handful peanuts

Exercise - exercise ball for 30 minutes

Kara's Leave of absence

I might have to take a leave of absence from the fat club until the new year. I am just really depressed a lot and I can't think straight and so I forget to do my updates. Plus I haven't been trying to hard because I have been down. I am going to go in and talk to the doctor soon and see if it is maybe my hormones. I shouldn't be this depressed for no reason.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

April 12/13

Breakfast: Skipped
Lunch: English Muffin w/butter and 1 diet Pepsi
Dinner: Baked Chicken
Snack: A few mini pancakes w/syrup

No workout, long freaking day. 

I am mad at myself for slacking so much, and letting Ray get 20lbs ahead of me :) I am going to work extra hard these next couple weeks before Christmas. 
New goals for this next week:
No eating past 8pm
Workout everyday, any type of workout
No cheating, stick to my Medi-Fast and or Detox diet
Drink more water, and if I must have a soda only 1.

Ray's F&E 12/13/09

Chicken Salad (just in a bowl, no bread)

Baked Beans (made with splenda)

A small bowl of pasta salad. I know I am a dirty cheater. Its so hard having it in the house because I want to eat it. I am going to have John eat it all tomorrow.


Shoveling the walks again for half a freaking hour.

April 12/12

I skipped yesterday, and I cheated most of the day.
No workout either.

Weekly Weigh in!

Post your weekly weigh in here!

Ray's F&E 12/12/09

Uh I had no breakfast or lunch really. I just ate a crap load at my wrapping party. I had 2 chicken salad sandwiches on croissants, a little pasta salad, baked beans, and Zuppa soup, none of that except the chicken salad minus the croissant and the baked beans were on my diet. I am counting that as a cheat day. I guess I can't cheat on Christmas now. Ah well.

No Exercise except shoveling snow, running around getting things ready.

Becca's F & E 12/12

Breakfast - Cold starbucks low fat coffee latte drink

Lunch - McDonalds - chicken sandwich, french fries, dr. pepper

Dinner - Grilled teriyaki (kinda, my own invented marinade) chicken, 'spanish' rice (rice, tomato sauce, black beans, chicken broth), cranraspberry juice.

Snack - handful of sprees (only 50 calories for 15 sprees, might have had 15...)

Exercise - Yoga. Shopping for 6 hours in the mall.  Don't really get to walk fast, but get to walk a lot.  It was crazy busy! Oh and we hit up Toys 'R' Us. We broke down and bought Carus a Zhu Zhu pet. "Pipsqueek" It was crazy to get one I had to get a card, pay for it at the register, sign up for a rewards card, give my drivers license for my address, my email address, they asked for my phone # and I said no. Then I had to take the receipt and the card over to a guarded cage and pick out a Zhu Zhu pet.  I almost asked if they wanted a blood sample and for me to pee in a cup too! There was absolutely no line, crazy...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Becca's F & E 12/11

Sorry I didn't post mine last night, I started drinking.  I've had some stressful past couple of weeks and then my bad shoulder got injured a bit so I broke out the Vodka and Cherry 7up and got me a good buzz and the burning in my shoulder went away.

Breakfast - Water and a baked potato with a bit of cheese and lite sour cream.  Weird breakfast I know.

Lunch - Nothing, I was still full from the potato. 

Dinner - 2 grilled cheese sandwiches on sour dough.  1-1/2 glasses Cherry 7up and Vodka.

Snacks - Some peanuts and a couple handfuls of chocolate chips (Robert was feeding me)

Exercise - 10 minutes on the stairs.  Teeny walk with the dog.

Friday, December 11, 2009

April 12/11

I cheated again today, I make myself sick.  

Breakfast: Medi-Fast Oatmeal
Lunch:  PB&J on evil white bread.
Dinner:  Burrito

Work Out: Walked around my neighborhood with the boys to see X-mas lights, about 1 miles, 25 minutes.

I ate a lot of snacks too, I can not even remember all of them.  I am gonna try to start over again tomorrow.
I am gonna go cry into my pillow now.

Ray's F&E 12/11/09


2 slices of Havarti Cheese
5 piece of the boys Wal-mart popcorn chicken (they are super small. I went shopping before I ate anything and I was starving. Bad me!)

Egg Salad on a Whole Wheat Low Cal Wrap
Couple of tastes of corn chowder (I didn't eat any of the potatoes in them. I had to keep trying to see how it tastes because I am cooking for tomorrow)

7 hours cooking and cleaning, plus a long trip to walmart and Macey's for groceries. I have been standing all day! So I think that counts.

Ray's F&E 12/10/09

Sorry I forgot to to post yesterday.

Sugar Free instant breakfast

Egg Salad on a flaxseed wrap

Subway Tuna Salad w/Red whine Vinaigrette Dressing.

One hour Spin class that has been kicking my ass lately. I have just been so tired. I got on the scale this morning and it said 234.2. So I am .2lbs away from being down 20lbs! I must have gained some muscle too. My legs look a lot more toned. I tell you Low Carb diets work so well! Now that I've been on the diet for a month its not even hard to resist temptations. I notice my clothes are fitting a lot better and I am less hungry than I used to be before the diet. I hope to be 220 by my birthday which is exactly a month away. I just gotta keep pushing myself!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

April 12/10

I made it most of the day :(

Breakfast: Medi-Fast Oatmeal
Lunch: Medi-Fast Chicken Noodle Soup
Snack: Medi-Fast Chocolate Pudding

Workout: 1.5 miles walk/jog (30 minutes) I ran for a .7 mile straight without stopping, longest I have ever went without a break (I know not that long, but good for me).

Dinner: 3 small Tostadas (beans, low fat cheese, salsa, and onions).  Not on my diet.

I also ate a granola bar, and 2 small snack bags of BBQ chips.  
I am really so mad at myself for cheating, especially since I did so well most of the day and had a good workout.  I just get so hungry at night, and I want to eat with everyone else.  I try reading, or staying in my room, or walking on the treadmill...but I just feel so left out.  I really don't see how I am ever going to lose weight, I just like to eat too much.  Blah...

Becca's F & E 12/10

Breakfast - Cherry and chocolate chip scone, water

Lunch - 1 beef, bean, and cheese burrito, water

Dinner - LARGE chef salad with ceasar dressing, water

Snack - dried cherries, handful of cashews, cranraspberry juice.

I am going to go have a glass of wine (maybe two). It's been one of those days. It was going to be shots of vodka, but didn't get to the liquor store.

Exercise - Homemade stair climber for 30 minutes, 50 push ups *girlie* Trying to improve my upper body strength.  Reverse crunches - lost count, but A LOT

I'm crashing off those pills I think - or getting sick or PMSing...?  My headache is better today than it was yesterday. I was able to go all day w/o taking anything for it. My energy level is okay, sorta... but I've been wanting to munch all day.  I have been repeating to myself 230 which has been motivating enough to not totally pig out. I'm going to see how the rest of December goes w/o them and reevaluate taking them again or not next year.

April 12/9

I was still feeling really sick yesterday, so I didn't stick to my diet, exercise, or post my F&E.

I ate a lot of food, feed a cold right???  I can't really remember it all, there was some toast on white bread, cookies, fries, and I finished off the rest of my soda.

I am feeling a little better today.
I am gonna start over on my working out goals, and my Medi-Fast diet.  I am also going completely off soda again, I swear it sabotages my diet, it makes me feel bloated and hungry all day long.

Also, I weight myself yesterday, I am back up to 198.  I refuse to believe that a couple days of cheating would cause me to gain back that much weight.  I swear my scale is possessed. We need a new one.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ray's F&E 12/9/09

Nothing. Gav was sick so we went back to bed and slept in.

like 6 whole grain chips with some guacamole dip

Egg Salad in a flax seed wrap
2 small bites of mac and cheese (I forgot I was dieting for a second and walked past the pan and took some bites)

No exercise today. Gav was sick and I had a photo shoot. So I had no time. I am going to spin class tomorrow though.

Becca for 12/09

I've been off the pills for 2 days.  I still have good energy, I'm not craving, and don't have the munchies like I did before.

But I've had a killer headache all day.  Since I woke up with it I thought it was from lack of caffiene (the pills have high amounts) so I splurged on a coffee shop coffee.

Breakfast - Low-fat white chocolate mocha.  No whip. God, it was so good. 

Morning snack - Cherry and chocolate chip scone. Okay that probably wasn't the greatest food either.

Lunch - Mashed potatoes and chicken gravy.  I only had about 3/4 cup of food total.

Dinner - Spaghetti with 2 pieces of garlic toast.  That garlic toast was so good, I want more!

Snack - Orange.

The rest of the day was just water.

Exercise - Ghetto stairclimber (house stairs) for 45 minutes, 10 minutes yoga (my shoulder is killing me and I can't stretch). 2 VERY short walks with dog.

Kara's food and excercise for 12/07 and 12/08

I realized I forgot to post the 7th. I suck.

Breakfast- Peanut butter toast.
No Lunch because I had some kind of stomach bug and I felt sick every time I ate since the day before.
Dinner- Corn chowder made with Splenda and cauliflower.
Snack before bed- hard boiled egg and string cheese.
Exercise- 30 min treadmill and 30 min cycle at the gym.
I can't believe I remembered that all.

Breakfast- none
Lunch- Chick-fil-et Chicken fingers (I know, I know, bad Kara) and coke zero.
Dinner- whole wheat Spaghetti and meat sauce.
snacks- a couple bites of Joci's peanut butter cup:( and String cheese.
I swam for 1 hour and 30 min straight. The longest time yet. I was so exhausted. Swimming is more exhausting then land exercise, but more fun I think.

The End

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

April 12/8

Breakfast: Medi-Fast Oatmeal
Lunch: Medi-Fast Chicken Soup
Dinner: 2 small cheese pizzas, on whole wheat tortillas and low fat cheese (not on my diet, boo)
Snack: 4 Chip Ahoy cookies w/ small glass of fat free milk
Snack: Medi-Fast Chocolate Shake

No exercise.  I am totally getting sick, hence the cheating and laziness.  Stupid Clark always getting me sick.

Becca's F & E 12/08

Breakfast - Water and apple pie muffin.

Lunch - 1 burrito with tomato, lettuce, lite sour cream, avacado - I love avacado :)

Dinner - Chicken and dumplings w/o the dumplings and on mashed potatoes.  No one here is big on the dumplings and a few actually say they "hate" them so we just have mashed potatoes.  And I had a small portion, smaller than Carus's first plate.  And 1 small biscuit.

Snack - Orange.  I had to grate the peel for the scones I made for tomorrow so now I gotta eat the thing.

The cold weather makes me wanna bake and want comfort food. The high today was 22, and since the low tonight is supposed to be 11, I am not going for a long walk.  I did a short walk a couple times because the dog can't use the toilet...  Also went up and down the stairs like 20 times, and I was in the kitchen for 5 hours making dinner, scones, and chicken stock - which I'm now canning.

Another positive - my loose pants, they fit nicely over a pair of light sweats.  Two pairs of pants have been keeping me warm!

Ray's F&E 12/8/09

Sugar free instant breakfast

SB pizza

Bunch of steamed Veggies, then I went to the relief society dinner. I had some Roast beef, one whole grain roll, some chicken salad coleslaw stuff, it was so good, and some carrot sticks. So I stuck to my diet.

I made some cookies for the RS party and did lick my fingers a few times when I was dropping the dough. I didn't eat any of the cookies though.

One hour spin class. I almost died driving in the snow to get to the class. It was worth it though. It kicked my ass like always. it was so fun.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I suck moldly nuggets.

I am so mad at myself, I cheated today! I swear it was cause of the weigh-in.  I get cocky, then cheat...which is why I never lose weight.  I am a yo-yo-er.

Breakfast: Diet Mt. Dew
I am catching Clark's cold, so I needed comfort food :(
Lunch: Nachos, a medium size serving.
Dinner: Scalloped Potatoes w/cheese.  Small serving.
I am not letting myself eat anything else tonight, even though I am still hungry.

Exercise: Jay and I walked the boys to the park (we took the long way) 4 miles round trip.  It was super fast paced walking cause to everyone 1 of Jay's steps I have to take 2 1/2 to keep up.

Becca's F & E 12/07

Breakfast - water and apple pie muffin - it was good, just needs more cinnamon or nutmeg or something

Lunch - Steak with a little A1 and potato leftovers, cherry pepsi

Dinner - 2 beef, bean, and cheese burritos with lettuce, tomato, avacado, lite sour cream and salsa. Water

Snacks - 1 small handful cashews

Exercise - 1 mile brisk walk in VERY FREAKING COLD TEMPERATURES! If I ever want to go for a walk when it is 20 degrees outside, smack me!  At least it wasn't raining/snowing.

Ray's F&E 12/07/09

Half a Whole wheat bagel with just a tiny bit of cream cheese (a light smearing)

Steamed Carrots and Broccoli
Small bowl of cottage cheese

Small portion of Roast and carrots w/gravy

I made cupcakes for tomorrows playgroup and ate a few too many tastes of the batter. I really love batter...mmmm...

Shoveled the walks 4 times. My arms are so sore now. I also cleaned the house, scrubbed the bathrooms. I couldn't get to the gym because the roads were so so bad. Just driving the boys a few blocks to their dance class was scary. I have a spinning class tomorrow though. So I will be there!

Kara's food and excercise for 12/06

Breakfast- Peanut butter toast on my special bread.

Lunch- Chili

Dinner- KFC chicken and Coleslaw. (yep coleslaw is not on my diet)

Snacks included- banana, cheese, and probably something else. I can't remember.

Exercise. I don't exercise on Sundays usually because of church

Ray's F&E 12/6/09

I just realized I never posted my food journal last night.

Nothing but water

Havarti Cheese and Roast beef on a flaxseed wrap

Herb chicken and Cheesy broccoli

I shoveled the walks for 45 minutes. My arms hurt today. I had shovel them again just a minute ago so Gav could go to his bus without snowy shoes. and I will have to shovel them after the storm is over too. I can't go to the gym today until the storm is over either. I hate driving in snow. This blows!

April 12/6

I fasted today, so no breakfast or lunch.

Early Dinner: Nachos.  I ate a way small amount, and the cheese and beans were low fat.  I feel awful now for cheating, especially cause I am finally losing weight...blah.
Snack: 3 Pecan Tarts.  I really just had to finish them off.  They are so delicious, I am gonna learnt o make them for our Christmas Eve dinner.

No excerise.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Becca's F & E 12/06

I just vegged out on the couch all morning and didn't get up cause I was cold, so my breakfast and lunch was a Starbucks frappucino, granola bar, and 1 slice pepperoni pizza.

Dinner - Steak, crash hot potatoes (red potato boiled, smushed and baked with butter, salt, and pepper), gramma green beans (green beans cooked with bacon, onion, garlic, worechestershire sauce).  1 glass white wine.

Exercise - when I finally got moving I mopped, vacuumed, ran up and down the stairs doing laundry, and went grocery shopping.  I make grocery shopping a race - 30 minutes for 1-1/2 to 2 weeks of food.

I'm making apple pie muffins because I need to bake and it isn't cookies. I'm considering making some oatmeal raisin cookies too, but probably not tonight. I always need to bake in December.  I have tons of recipes saved up....

Also, I'm coming up on the end of my first month bottle of HealthyTrim (I didn't take them this weekend) and I'm torn on whether or not I am going to order another bottle.  I love the energy, but I'm not losing weight as fast as I want to - patience is not one of my virtues.  And I feel guilty for spending the money.  I'm afraid that I'll stop losing even the little I have been losing if I stop taking them. Still have some time to decide.

Weekly Weigh ins, December goals, post them here!

Time for our weekly weigh ins! Week 3 is over and we are now into December. Lets all set a mini goal for ourselves. And no t ones like "I want to lose 10lbs this month". But Whether it be to not eat candy for awhile, exercise a certain number of days a week, etc. Just something you know you are struggling with. Then every day when we post our food journals we can post on whether or not we stuck to our goals.
Does that sound okay to everyone? I think we need a jumpstart to get everyone.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


My face has totally broken out SO bad.  And I am not exaggerating.  This morning Jason almost wanted to take me to the doctor to see if I was having an allergic reaction to something.  I have not broken out this bad in years.  My face seriously hurts it is so bad.
So, my question:
Do you think it can have something to do with this new diet?  Or the fact that I am drinking diet soda again, after so long without it.

I haven't changed anything else, and I am not more stressed than usual.

Ugh, I don't even want to go into public.  I guess it is a good thing we aren't taking family x-mas pictures anymore.  And a good thing I only have 3 1/2 more weeks of the Medi-Fast diet left.  We decided not to buy it for another month, cause Jay is cheap... I will just have to eat real food :)

What do you think? And what do I do?

April 12/5

I stayed on Medi-Fast most of the day, I cheated a little at dinner.  We were planning on going to the church x-mas party tonight (but got the wrong night) so I was gonna cheat a little anyway, for baby Jesus :)

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Chocolate Shake
Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup
Dinner: Salmon and small serving of mashed potatoes (not on my diet, however they were red potatoes, which for some magical reason are on my Dad's detox diet-so I consider it not too bad of a cheat).
Snack: 3 teeny-weeny Pecan tarts.  330 calories for all 3 (more than breakfast, lunch and snack all together), totally so worth it.

No exercise.  I am really totally gonna work so hard on my exercise next week.  I am programming my iPod for 50 minutes of awesome workout music tomorrow.

Ray's F&E 12/05/09

Small bowl of refried beans w/cheese

Cottage cheese and one baby carrot

Multigrain chips dipped in Gauc. I ate more than I should have. But it was so good. So I way over did my carbs.

No exercise today. I think I am getting a cold.

Kara's food and excercise for 12/5

Breakfast- 2 slices of peanut butter toast on whole wheat 12 grain bread and a Banana.

Lunch- bowl of Chili

Dinner- Southwest salad with guac and SC.

Snacks- banana and cheese

I did have a couple of the girls fries---just a couple

Exercise- 1hr swim 30 min land exercise.

My pants fit again!

A few months ago I bought a new pair of pants and had to go up a size to 20 which made me sad.

Today I tried on my old, smaller pants (size 18), and they fit!

They are still tighter than the bigger size BBBBBUUUUUTTTTT they fit!!!

Maybe soon I'll be down another size...

My dream size right now is 11/12.  With my build, that is probably the smallest I'll ever get.

Becca's F & E 12/05

Breakfast - nothing, we slept in and just had an early lunch

Lunch - 6-in Turkey, bacon club sub from Monkey Sub. Pepsi

Dinner - Godfather's pizza.  1 slice taco pizza, 1 slice pepperoni pizza, 1 breadstick, 1 small slice chocolate cake (the cake was free, it was a special) I just looked at the calories on the cake - only 175 calories for that slice...not bad for chocolate cake.

Exercise - Walking the Christmas tree farm, small walk with Yoda, extreme vacuuming the living room.  More Christmas tree lights outside, and around the tree.

Thinking about a glass of wine or two - I have a white wine and a red wine, going to look up calories on them and decide if they would be worth it.

Becca's F & E 12/04

I didn't write this up last night because we rushed to Fry's before they closed and then we got back late.  And was going to do it this morning, but got distracted.

Breakfast - Fruit

Lunch - chicken noodle soup and ritz crackers

Dinner - Scalloped potatoes and ham - the recipe I have for scalloped potatoes is soup based and I used low fat sour cream - so the major fattening thing in it is the cheez whiz, and there's not a lot.  I kept my portion small so I wouldn't feel too bad about it cause it just doesn't sound good for you (It is REALLY GOOD though)

No other snacks, and just water all day

Exercise - Walking the aisles of Fry's for 1-1/2 hours.  We did Christmas shopping for the inlaws, played with the massagers and keyboards, and then got to the PC games and the kids found 20 games they had to have.  There was one Adam was ssoooo very excited about so after we found Robert again I took the kids out to the car to get it warmed up while he checked out - and he ran back to grab the game.  I LOVE shopping for the kids with the kids! It's awesome that we can still do it, although now we need both of us. Before we were able to shop with them one on one...they're very easily distracted :)

April 12/4

I stayed on Medi-Fast all day!  I can't wait to weigh myself on Sunday.  My jammie bottoms were kinda loose last night.  Also, I am kinda pissed at Jay... I want to get it for another month but he is so freakin' cheap.  

Breakfast:  Oatmeal
Lunch:  Chicken Noodle Soup
Snack:  Chocolate Shake (I made it so yummy today!)
Dinner:  Salmon and green beans.
Dessert:  Chocolate Pudding

I did drink like 3 soda's today...I only plan on 1 a day, but Clark was up ALL night and I needed help to stay awake all day. 

No exercise.  I am lazy.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Kara's food and excercise for 12/04

Breakfast- eggs, sausage, cheese.
Lunch- nothing
Dinner- Chicken, green beans, corn

I was so busy today, I hardly ate anything.

Exercise- 1 hour swim.

Ray's F&E 12/4/09

1 piece of whole wheat bread w/PB

Couple of bites of a sugar cookie and a few tastes of frosting. We decorated cookies over at a friends house. I know I suck for cheating.

3 scrambled eggs w/cheese

14 wheat thins w/cheese slices on top

I got up at 4:30am to make it to the 5:15 spin class. It was 45 minutes and I was so tired afterwords. I doubt I will be getting up that early again. My Weigh in this morning was 238.0 so I am down 16lbs now! Woot! I am so so excited with how fast I am losing weight. Its been really motivating to staying on my diet and being hardcore with my exercise. I think it helps a lot that I try not to eat after dinner. Its hard and I feel really hungry for a couple of hours. But that is when I woi

I did not eat any Oreos! 12/3

Clark sat by me today eating Oreos, and I did not eat one single one.  I smelled them, but did not taste.  
I stayed on Medi-Fast all day.  I am really getting used to it now.

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup
Snack: Chocolate Shake
Dinner: Baked Chicken and Veggies (Squash, Zucchini, Carrots, Asparagus)
Dessert: Chocolate Pudding
Snack: Tea w/ 1 packet of Splenda

No exercise.  I suck, I know.  I am gonna try next week with the running again.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Becca's F & E 12/03

Breakfast - water, 2 slices honey wheat toast, fresh strawberries

Lunch - I don't remember...I know I ate something, but not sure what.

Dinner - Salad with ranch, hamburger patty with no bun, half an avocado

Snack - Not feeling snackish...but if I have something it will be fruit. Oh maybe some fruit cocktail...

Exercise - A few short walks with Yoda, 30 minutes each.  And a bit of the Shimmy - not the full episode.  I was having an off day today.  NOTHING was working right for me - work stuff wasn't cooperating, kept forgetting things, couldn't help Carus with homework, couldn't plan dinner, got a bleach spot on my favorite black shirt (I'm still very mad about this), and on and on... I should go to bed before I start injuring myself.

Ray's F&E 12/3/09

1 scrambled egg

Chili w/cheese & Sour Cream

12 Whole grain Wheat Thins w/cheese slices

Popcorn while shopping Target, I love their popcorn

One hour Spin Class that kicked my ass. Seriously I am so so sore.

Kara's food and excercise for 12/02

Breakfast- Cheese and diet pepsi

Lunch- whole wheat pasta

dinner- Pizza toppings.

Snacks- granola bar (not on my diet)

Exercise-none due to sick baby and exhausting day

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

April 12/2

I stayed on Medi- Fast all day... it is killing me, I am dying for some real food.  Well, I do get to eat one real meal a day... but I want MORE.

Breakfast: Oatmeal (this morning it actually tasted good).
Snack: Chocolate Shake
Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup
Dinner: Chicken and Sugar Snap Peas (I don't think I am supposed to eat peas, too starchy, but I wanted to eat them before they went bad, and it is still a veggie and not a tater tot so who cares.)
Dessert: Chocolate Pudding

No exercise.  I hate exercising!  I need to get back on a regular work out schedule.  Blah.

Becca's F & E 12/02

Breakfast - water and granola bar (I think that's what I ate...don't remember...maybe I didn't eat breakfast)

Lunch - Mashed tatoes, pork chop, gravy....leftovers.  Cranraspberry juice.

Dinner - 2 BBQ chicken thighs BIG bowl of salad w/ ranch.  Water.

Snack - couple dried cherries, water, 2 mini snickers

Exercise - 2 short walks with Yoda (its freaking cold!), Shimmy (the belly dancing program I recorded) which I really liked even though I felt silly doing it.  I feel it most in my lower back just above my hips, my inner thighs, and my calfs and shins. I'm gonna try it again tomorrow.

Ray's F&E 12/2/09

Instant Breakfast

1 piece of whole wheat bread w/PB

Southbeach pizza (Flaxseed flat bread with sauce and cheese)

handful of spiced nuts

No exercise today. I had plans to go after I went to the dentist and got the worse migraine from laying upside down for almost 2 hours. Spinning class tomorrow so I will make up for it.

Weighed myself this morning and I was 240.0! Woot! One more pound until I get under 240.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

April 12/1

I stayed on Medi-Fast all day.

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Chocolate Shake
Snack: Handful of carrots.
Lunch: I tried to eat the Cream of Broccoli Soup, but it was WAY gross, I managed half of it.
Dinner: Salmon and cauliflower.
Dessert: Chocolate Pudding

I am still WAY WAY hungry.  I am gonna have another shake (strawberry-they are only 110 calories) and probably a cup of tea.

No exercise.  I am lazy.  Exercising is so hard for me, especially when I am concentrating so hard to not cheat.

Becca's F & E 12/01

Breakfast - Water

Morning snack - Fruit cocktail. 

Lunch - Chicken and rice with frito chips

Dinner - Crockpot pork chops with gravy (made from soup), mashed tatoes, broccoli and cheese

Snack - 2 mini snickers, 1 mini peanut butter cup

Exercise: Walk with Yoda about 30 minutes.


Sorry I haven't been posting. But I was in Houston thanksgiving weekend...with no opportunity to diet really or exercise. So I will begin again.
Okay so Yesterday and Today I have been on my period, so I have eaten nothing but junk. I went to the gym for almost 2 hours yesterday though.

I will start listing everything starting tomorrow and I will stick to my diet too. I will keep up on this.
I also did not weigh in, because I always weigh 5 lbs more on my period, so it isn't fair I say. I will way in this next time promise. No more slacking either. I have to be 10 lbs lighter by the New Year.

Ray's F&E 12/01/09

Sugar free Instant Breakfast

Chili w/cheese & Sour Cream
Sugar free Jell-o

Sugar free pudding
4 spiced nuts

Ranch chicken and broccoli

1 hour spinning class.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Kara Sucks!

What the hell Kara?  No daily blog updates or weigh-ins.  Where are your priority's?  Just cause you are skinny now doesn't mean you are too good to play with us.

I did it! 11/30

I stayed on the Medi-Fast all day.  The pre-made meals/packets still taste like an old pasty pooh sandwich.

Breakfast: Oatmeal 
Snack: Mocha Shake
Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup (although it tasted more like chicken broth)
Dinner: Salmon and mixed veggies (squash, zucchini, carrots, onions, asparagus)
Dessert: Chocolate pudding (Medi-Fast, 110 calories)

I will probably have some herbal tea (with one packet of Spelenda) or the Medi-Fast Hot Coco tonight before I go to bed.

I am proud of myself for not cheating, this is definitely more do-able than I thought.  However, I don't feel like it is very healthy.  The packet meals are packed full of chemicals, and additives... and 3 of my meals a day are too sugary (shake, pudding, oatmeal-even thought the oatmeal is the WORST).  I will be glad to be done with this month, and move on to my Dad's detox diet again.  Also, this better work or I will be PISSED.

No exercise, as a reward for not cheating.

Becca's F & E 11/30

Breakfast - water for about 1-1/2 hours then 2 slices of toast

Lunch - Chicken noodle soup, ritz crackers, cherry pepsi

Snack - 2 mini snickers (SERIOUSLY MINI! that's why there was 2)

Dinner - Chicken and rice burritos

I made brownies for Robert for putting up my Christmas lights outside when he doesn't like Christmas lights outside and also to test out the new oven.  Con on new oven: Brownies take 40 minutes to bake (with possessed oven - 20 minutes max). I will probably have one brownie and a glass of milk.  I don't think I'll resist.  I am still fighting with a head cold/sinus infection and have no energy to resist chocolate...

Exercise: Blowing my nose 5,000,000 times

Ray's F&E 11/30/09


No Added Sugar Berry Smoothie


Sugar Free Instant Breakfast

Cafe Rio Grilled Chicken salad, no rice, I hate like 1/4 of the Whole Wheat Tortilla.

No exercise. I did walk the mall again. I have a bad sore throat so I didn't make it to the gym. Tomorrow is spinning class though. I will be there!

Becca's F & E 11/29

Breakfast - Water

Morning snack - Granola bar

Lunch - Taco salad with avocado, sour cream, and salsa

Afternoon snack - Granola bar, cran-raspberry juice

Dinner - Meatloaf, broccoli and rice casserole, corn - water

Evening snack - 2 mini snickers and 3 small reeses peanut butter cups

Exercise - Small walk

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I almost made it. 11/29

I started my Medi-Fast diet today.  The pre-made meals (just add water and stir) taste like SHIT!

Breakfast: Oatmeal 
Snack: Chocolate Shake (actually doesn't taste too bad, just a little powdery)
Lunch: Chicken salad w/ 1 tablespoon Ranch dressing (My glorious "free" meal.)
Dinner: I tired to eat the chicken soup, and almost barfed.  In a weak moment I took a bite of Jay's lasagna...then the flood gates opened.  I had the rest of his lasagna (I didn't realize how much I was starving.)  I also had some string cheese, and some pretzels.

No exercise.

I am not sure how much I like these packet meals, I am literally starving all day.  I liked my Dad's detox diet better, I could only eat chicken and brocoli, but at least I could eat.  I am gonna give it another go tomorrow.  I will try having an extra shake or something.

Ray's F&E 11/29/09


Sugar free instant Breakfast

Some Meaty spaghetti sauce with Melted cheese

Handful of spiced nuts


Flaxseed flatbread wrap with Havarti cheese and Roastbeef.

No exercise except I walked around the mall for an hour. The gym is closed on Sunday.

Weekly Weigh ins, post them here!

Time for our weekly weigh in, post them the same way we did last week. Pounds lost, followed by start weight, then pounds total lost.

April 11/28

I wasn't feeling very well today, so no exercise and comfort food.

Breakfast: One pancake, no syrup.

Lunch: 1 roll, with left-over turkey (lite mayo).

Dinner: Blow of stew.

Lots and lots of water.  I feel so dehydrated, and I have the worst migraine coming on...I can feel it forming.

No pie, are you freakin' happy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Becca's F & E 11/28

Breakfast - Water and a bit of jello cake

Lunch - Mexican chicken tortilla by campbells - the healthy one, ritz crackers, water

Dinner - Taco salad with avocado, lite sour cream and salsa. Water

Exercise - Grocery shopping

Ray's F&E 11/28/09

Nothing but a ton of water at the gym. I drank 2 1/2 liters while I was working out.


Southwest grilled chicken salad from mcDonalds. I brought it home and put gauc and sour cream on it. I only ate like 1/2 of it though. I felt sick to my stomach because of my hard workout.


South Beach Pizza (Sauce & Cheese on a Flaxseed flat bread)
6 pepperoni I ate off of the kids pizza from Little Caesars. They don't like Pizza with spots. They tasted so good too, and I don't even like pepperoni.


I might have some Sugar free hot chocolate tonight if I feel snacky.


I totally upped my exercise today and did 4, 15 minute miles with an 8-10 incline the entire time. It kicked my ass and I felt like puking several times while I was jogging, like seriously dry heaving. I don't know if it was lack of breakfast, all the water I drank, or what but I felt horrible. But I did it. I also did a 15 minute cooldown walk. I really want to be able to do a 10 minute mile. I used to be able to do a 8 1/2 minute mile back when I was skinny. That is my ultimate goal.

Friday, November 27, 2009

April is fat. 11/27/09

I continued to binge...blah.

Breakfast: Pie and turkey.

Lunch: Nachos

Snack:  I had a few bites for Jay's ice cream sundae.

Dinner: Panda Bowl, with white rice and chicken.

I will probably have a snack tonight before I go to bed, most likely pie.

Exercise: 30 minute walk.  And I chased the boys all around the mall tonight.

I start my medi-fast diet tomorrow.  I am super excited (because my neighbor had SO much success on it) but I am also way nervous... I am no good at sticking to things, I am a bit flaky.  Christmas (and my next cheat day) can't come any faster!!!

Becca's Thanksgiving and 11/27

Thanksgiving = cheat day

I didn't take my pills so I could eat breakfast - 2 pieces of bacon and 2 slices of french toast with powdered sugar

Lunch/dinner - Normal Thanksgiving stuff.  I tried to keep my portions small so I wouldn't get sick full and wouldn't feel guilty and I'm hoping I did well on that.  My big splurges were PEPSI! and one slice of chocolate cream pie.  I did take a walk - although small.


Back on the pills

Breakfast - nodda but wadda

Lunch - I had been looking forward to this turkey bacon avacado sandwich on a crossiant that is SO FREAKIN' GOOD all dang month (because I was working at the hospital and they have an eatery that makes it and I rarely work at the hospital so I don't get it often) but the stupid eatery was closed! So I had to go to the hospital cafeteria and their salad looked nasty, I ain't eating their sushi, so I settled for chicken strips and french fries - oh and a G2 fruit punch gatorade.

Dinner - Fresh turkey sandwich on sourdough.  Nacho cheese doritos - small handful

Exercise - Working in the hospital.  Today was a slow dictation day so I was doing QA on the doctors and kept having to print reports with errors and then get up and walk out of my office to the reception area to get each report from the printer so the receptionist wouldn't have to get up thinking it was for her.  I counted steps - about 8 steps from chair to printer, 8 steps back, sit down, stand up, 16 steps, sit down, stand up, repeat for 6 hours - gonna patent it as a new workout routine.  Extra calories burned for wearing heels! (Thankfully I went with the small heels, was going to go with 3 inch heels...I would have been crying after an hour.)

Ray's F&E 11/27/09


Turkey & Gravy leftovers
Corn Casserole stuff Denne made. (its SB approved)

Taco Salad w/gauc & sour cream

couple of spiced nuts (only 2 sugars)

No exercise, I'm bloated and I had a photo shoot so I didn't have a lot of time or energy. I am going to do extra tomorrow.

My Thanksgiving

I ate a shit load of food including a piece of pie. MMmmm! I did wake up at 6:30am on Thanksgiving to make it to the 7am spinning class. But it was full. So I set my goal at burning 500 calories so I could feel better about eating all the crap I planned to eat. So I did an hour on the treadmill. I weighed myself this morning and I don't know if its possible to gain 10lbs in one day but I swear I 10lbs more than I did yesterday morning. I am on my period though and bloated. My cheat day was so not worth it. I feel like it set me back.

I am going to try to make it to the gym today but I hate working out when I have cramps.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

April 11/26

Free Day Right?  I am not even gonna attempt to write everything I ate, and still plan on eating :)

No exercise either.  

I got all the stuff for my Medi-fast diet (about a months worth).  It looks like I eat 5 small 100-150 calorie meal packets (soups, shakes, hot coco, eggs) then one regular meal (lean meat, lots of veggies) per-day.  The meal packets look like disgusting astronaut food.  I can also have some other "snacks" once a day...celery, cucumber pretend food.  I think most condiments are accepted in moderation, and I can have 300 milligrams of caffeinated drinks (diet soda!).  One can is 355 milligrams, so I will splurge on those extra 55 mgs a day.  I think I am going to start sometime this weekend.  I want it to be when we are gonna be home for a couple days, so I won't be too tempted to eat out.

Peace Out! I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving/Cheat Day!

Becca's F & E 11/25

Sorry I'm late on this, I was being lazy last night - well kinda, spent an hour trying to get Carus to hold still long enough for the paint on her nails to dry.  Still had to send her to bed with soft nails after 20 minutes under the hair dryer. 

Breakfast - Nodda but water

Lunch - Orange chicken and rice with a little soy sauce cause leftover rice is kinda dry

Dinner - Robert took us to Applebees with his bday gift card.  I got the trio sampler thing and I don't know why.  Wait, ya I do, the steak quesadilla towers looked good and were very yummy the first time I had them.  But last night...not so much.  I had about 1/2 of my food - steak quesadilla towers, hot boneless chicken wings, and french fries.  I only had a handful of the french fries.  It had SSSSSOOOOO much salt! They were so nasty! I brought the leftovers home (sans nasty ass french fries) thinking I'd snack on them later but I didn't.

Exercise:  Short 20 minute walk with Yoda and Carus. 

I'm making Thanksgiving a cheat day - I'm not taking my pills and I'm actually going to eat breakfast! I'm excited about breakfast.  I'll still eat small portions and try not to overstuff myself.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

April 11/25

Massive amounts of food.  Trying to get rid of all my favorite junk food, that I am not going to be able to eat anymore after tomorrow.  I seriously can't even remember most of it.  There was cookies and milk, Poptarts, and pizza for dinner...and that is just the PG version.  
I plan on going to go all out tomorrow too.  
I am so serious about starting-over Friday!!  It is going to be the worst weekend to start-over, cause Jay has a four day weekend, meh.  But it is all or nothing!  

My new mini-goal is to lose 10 lbs. by Christmas!

I did take a short walk around the block (20 mins), and I walked backwards up my hill a few times too....just to help my soreness in my calves.

Ray's F&E 11/25/09

Sugar Free Instant Breakfast
Scoop of PB

Subway Tuna Salad. Their salads are really tasty actually.

Homemade SB Pizza (whole grain flat bread with sauce and cheese).

No exercise today cause I had so much to do. I was going to go later today but then John's sister came over so I couldn't.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

April 11/24

You guys are doing so well on your workouts and goals!!  I am proud of you!

Breakfast:  Cheesy crackers and pepperoni again (pepperoni gone so no more temptation).

Snack: 2 Madeline Cookies (cookies also gone now, one less thing to ignore).

Lunch:  Poptart.  Crappy lunch I know...but I am not feeling good today and I needed sugar and comfort food.

Dinner: One bowl of stew, I probably would have had two bowls but it tasted like ass.  2 pieces of toast.

Jay bought some cookies at the store, tasty fudge ones...and I haven't eaten any yet!!  The night is still young, so I will probably have one, or two.  I am going to try really hard not to.

My feet are killing me (4 blisters!!!) and my calves are I only walk/jogged for 20 minutes, just under one mile.

Becca's F & E 11/24

Steps from yesterday - 7352

Breakfast - water

Lunch - Salad with bits of roast chicken.  Cran-raspberry juice.

Dinner - Trader Joe's orange chicken and rice.

Exercise - 30 minute walk with kids and dog to the park for like 10 minutes before the sun set.  Stupid winter cutting my daylight hours after work.  That's it for today...I'm getting Robert's head cold (the bastard) and my head is stuffy and my throat is sore.   And I don't want to walk at night anymore, if I can, last night I felt like I was being followed.  I'm going to try to do it during the day and if I have to walk at night I will take pepper spray...or maybe I'll go get my concealed permit...

Ray's F&E 11/24/09


Sugar Free Instant Breakfast

Snack: Popcorn

Roastbeef & Havarti cheese wrap, made with a Whole grain flatbread (only 8 carbs)

Same as lunch, it was so good I needed another. (sorta a cheat cause I was only allowing myself one carb item a day).

Chili w/cheese & sour cream

1 hour spinning class, totally kicked my butt!

Kara's food and excercise for 11/24

Breakfast- Ham and cheese.
Lunch- Popcorn and diet soda. Cause we went to the movies.
Dinner- corn chowder without potatoes.
Snack- celery and cheese.
Slip up-- a piece of peach cobbler. I have no will power.

No work out today, because we went to the movies.

Monday, November 23, 2009

April 11/23

Breakfast:  Handful of cheesey crackers and a few slices of pepperoni

Lunch: A few pieces of beef jerky.

Snack: A couple Madeline cookies.

Dinner: Bean Burrito at Taco Bell.

I took/walked the boys to the park today, a little over 3 miles round trip.  I was an idiot and wore my flip flops so I couldn't run some of it like I wanted.  I think I deserve extra points for pushing my fatty babies...that is 70+ pounds I am arms are killing me.

Becca's F & E 11/23

Steps for 11/22/2009 - 8272 (YAY)

Breakfast - 3 glasses water. Oats and honey granola bar.

Lunch - 1/2 can (recommended serving size) Campbell's Select Harvest Healthy Request Mexican-Style chicken tortilla with added cheese and ritz crackers.  Water

Dinner - Roasted chicken - white and dark meat, teeny tiny potatoes with smart balance butter, salad with ranch dressing (salad=bag mix with lettuce, red cabbage, carrots, baby carrot sticks, cucumbers, tomatoes, and croutons).  Cran-raspberry juice. 

Snack - Trying to just drink my water....Oh wait I have oranges!!!! So glass of water and an orange.

Exercise - 1 hour walk with Yoda - no steep hills, just the little ones.  Than 30 minute show of Yoga - which is more like 15 minutes with all the commercials.

I have recorded a couple exercise programs onto my DVR from FitTv.  It's a channel that has round the clock dieting shows and exercise shows.  I don't know if it is available all over or not.  I have FIOS through Verizon... There is Yoga, bootcamps, belly dancing, aerobics, pilates, etc. So I'm going to rotate through some of these.  Right now I have Yoga and a belly dancing show called Shimmy.  I did it earlier this year and lost 3 inches off my waist in 2 weeks - no pounds, but the inches were nice!  And Yoga - yoga is just nice.

I've also come to the conclusion that I can't sleep in on the weekends anymore.  Or at least while I'm taking the Healthe Trim pills.  They say to take them in the morning with 3 glasses of water and then do not eat or drink anything (other than water) for 3 hours.  I'm really hungry by the time I can eat, but I don't feel sick or anything.  If I sleep in later than usual than I'm taking them later than usual and waiting until 12:00, 12:30, or 1:00 before eating is just not working for me.  Saturday and Sunday I was so nauseous and had this awful 'herby' taste in my mouth.

Kara's food and excercise for 11/23

Breakfast and lunch I ate a lot of cheese and bananas.
Dinner- whole wheat spaghetti and meat sauce
Snack-- more cheese, ham, banana.

35 min cycle......I would have gone longer, but the lady next to me smelled really really bad.
45 min swim.

Ray's F&E 11/23/09

Berry Smoothie made w/plain yogurt, splenda, and frozen fresh berries.

Chili w/ cheese & Sour cream

scoop of PB


Herb Baked Chicken & Tons of Broccoli (I did snitch a taste of stuffing too :(. It just looked so good)

I plan to have some Sugar free Hot Cocoa tonight if I get snacky.

1 hr 20 min on the treadmill. I went about 5 miles. I ran 4 cycles of the endurance which gets as high as 5.5 and 7.0 incline. You have to restart it every 20 minute though. So I don't know exactly how long I went, but about 5 miles. I burned over 700 calories too. WOOT!

Kara's food and excercise for 11/22

Okay so the day started with banana bread and went on from there. I can't remember exactly all I ate. I am ashamed to tell you there was a Double cheeseburger and fries included. Also I finished the day off with a totinos pizza that burnt the roof of my mouth. Yes I failed miserably.

Becca's F & E 11/22

Steps from Saturday:  5215

Breakfast - nodda but water

Lunch - Tuna salad sandwich on sourdough

Dinner - Tuna salad on ritz crackers

Snacks - Glass of cran-raspberry juice, small bar of a Reese's peanut butter cup bar thing that I made - it came in a box from the store, impulse buy - 1 chocolate covered cherry, 1 mini pickle. 

The chocolate covered cherry and mini pickle were 'force feeds' from Robert.  He said the pickles were sooo good and I just had to try one.  I just don't like to snack on pickles much after years and years and years of Carus's obsession with pickles (we were able to stop in store temper tantrums by bribing her with a jar of pickles).  And the cherry - he again said it was so good that I had to have one, but I didn't mind being forced that one.  I love chocolate and cherries!

Exercise: 1 hour walk with Yoda in the freezing cold.  I found another stupid hill.  This neighborhood is littered with these 80 degree inclines and somehow I end up having to go up them to get home or going back the way I came and doubling my time walking.  It is great for my ass, I'm sure, I just don't like it when doing it...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

April 11/22- Sundays are the hardest.

Breakfast: Apple w/crunchy peanut butter.

Snack: A handful of chessey crackers.

Lunch: 1/2 Turkey and cheese sandwich. A couple of Clark's fries.

Snack: 2 small Madeline cookies, buttery and sugary tasty cookies.

Dinner: Left hamburgers (no bun), a small handful potato chips w/dip.

2 cans regular soda, Jay is a tard and forgot to get diet.

Walked around the mall for about 35 minutes.

I mapped out the distance to Clark's new school (he will start in February).  It is a little over 1.5 miles, so 3+ miles round trip.  When he starts school I will have to walk this twice a day to drop him off and pick him up.  Ahh, 6+ miles everyday, I am kinda excited, forced exercise.

Ray's F&E 11/22/09

I didn't have any breakfast or lunch because I was so excited to see New Moon i couldn't even eat. I did have popcorn at the movie which is phase 2 SB approved. So I guess it wasn't too bad.

Dinner: Thanksgiving at John's mom's.

lots of Turkey w/gravy, 1 small piece of Ham little bit of mashed potatoes, stuffing, 2 small whole wheat rolls, a tiny bit of cranberry waldorf salad made with splenda and sugar free whip cream, and veggies with ranch.

Dessert: One scoop no sugar added vanilla ice cream

I cheated a bunch but I didn't eat any pie or eat seconds. I am totally stuffed still though.

No exercise because the gym is closed, except waiting in line for New Moon, we stood for an hour to get good seats. It was worth it! Tomorrow I will do extra at the gym to make up for my slacking today.

April 11/21

Sorry I forgot last night, mega tired.

Breakfast: Tea and toast (on wheat bread w/ cab smart butter).

Snack: Apple

Lunch: It was sample day at Costco.  I tried a lot of everything, but they were super small portions.

Snack: Jay got me a Almond Joy candy bar, I ate half.

Dinner: Homemade hamburgers (no bun) with all thr trimmings,  handful of sweet potato chips.

1 can soda :)

I know none of this stuff is on my diet, or any diet.  But I feel like I am slowly getting back on track anyway.  My portions are much much smaller.  I am working on starting completely over with a new plan... wanna hear how, too bad you are going to anyway.  After Thanksgiving I am starting diet called medi-fast??? (a friend of mine is giving me her left-overs, about a month worth).  Then I will do 2-3 weeks of my Dad's detox diet, then I will start SB phase one.  

1 mile of brisk walking, and I totally cleaned my house from top to bottom (mopped my kitchen on my hands and knees and everything).

Weekly Weigh ins, post them here!

Just reply and post your start weight, your current weight, and total pounds lost.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ray's F&E 11/21/09

2 glasses of water, I was feeling sick so I didn't eat.


Cafe Rio Salad, minus rice. Ate 1/3 of the whole wheat tortilla too. (I know that is phase 2 but I was shaky from lack of carbs, I swear)


No sugar added Berry smoothie
Handful of nuts

A couple of pickle slices

No Exercise today. I got talked into going shopping instead. I did take pictures at Sundance and walked all over the place. I will have to work extra hard monday when the gym is open again.

Becca's F & E 11/21

Steps from yesterday 758 - don't know HOW that happened.  I felt like I walked much more...

Breakfast - nodda but water
Lunch - Ham, turkey and cheese sub sandwhich
Dinner - Red Robin's cheese burger and some steak fries

No soda YAY!

Walked the dog for 30 minutes

Kara's food and excercise for 11/21

Breakfast-- Jake surprised me with a large cup of Diet Pepsi in bed..........ahh he is so sweet.
Lunch-- Southwest chicken salad with guac. and sour cream.
Dinner -- Lots of roast, green beans and corn smothered in gravy.
No snacks, I have been eating left over dinner though.
Work out. I did about 2-5 min on every machine in there.....because Maddie was trying them all out. Then we spent over an hour in the pool playing. I plan on doing stairs tonight too.

Kara's food and excercise for 11/20

Breakfast--- I seriously can't remember. Probably nothing.
Lunch---chicken and grapes.
Dinner--- We had no food in our house, so I ate 2 peanutbutter and honey sandwiches.
snack-- lots of cheese and diet pepsi
I am going shopping today, so i can stick to my diet.

Becca's F & E 11/20

Steps from yesterday 3305.

Breakfast - Sweet & Salty granola bar

Lunch - Piece of carne asada and peanut granola bar

Dinner - Carne asada burrito and 2 small steak tacos

Snack - 3 red vines

10 glasses of water today, 1 glass of soda

No exercise

Friday, November 20, 2009

April 11/20

I didn't stick to my diet today, but I did eat WAY smaller portions.  

Breakfast: Tea and 2 piece of whole wheat toast/carb smart butter.

Snack: Handful of Almonds

Lunch: Salmon, 2 small pieces

Dinner: 2 pieces of Red Barons pepperoni pizza (small pieces)

I am also, completely back ON diet soda.  I hate drinking it, cause I know all the chemicals and caffeine mess with my body (and I really did lose weight last time I got off it, honestly).  But I really do need the fake sugar and caffeine to get through the day, these days.  I am gonna try to limit it to 2 cans a day.  Which I did today :)

Yard Work, lots of freaking yard work.  I was probably outside raking for 50 minutes.  My back is killing me.  
Tomorrow will be my first 5 mile walk/jog in a long time, please pray I don't die.

Ray's Food & Exercise 11/20/09


Sugar Free Instant breakfast

Wendy's Taco Salad, mmmm...


Ground Beef in no sugar added Hunts spaghetti sauce covered in Mozzarella cheese.
Sugar free Jello w/sugar free whip cream.

I drank 7 glasses of water today so that was good!


40 minutes on the treadmill walked 2 1/2 miles
45 minute Cardio Pump Class

Cardio Pump Class

I totally didn't want to go to the gym today. I was so sore and feeling tired. But I knew Shanda was going to meet me so I got ready super fast. Just to find out that she wasn't coming. I was so tempted just to go home. Instead I went to the gym. I started working out on the treadmill and saw they were having a class at 9:30. I saw a lady from my spinning class and asked her what the class was. She says its Cardio Pump and its the best workout. SO I went. I felt kinda dumb cause I suck at aerobics. But after awhile I got the hang of it and it was so fun! I had to leave a little early from the class cause I pulled a muscle in my uterus (I SWEAR!) and it was throbbing so bad. I just have to tell everyone to join the gym and take the classes. They are so motivating and keep you going when you want to stop.
Next week I am trying out Zumba!

Weekly Weigh ins

Is everyone okay with doing our weekly weigh in every Sunday? Since its the start of the week? Every Sunday I will make a post, or someone else can and we all post our start weight, our weekly weigh in, and how much we've lost total. That way we can keep track.


I totally lost 4 lbs since we began. I don't know how either. I am so excited. I had to brag!!! This was in the morning...but my clothes where on.

April Sucks 11/19

Today was bad, so bad I don't even want to write anything...horrible crappy day.  The only thing good about today was the food I ate.  I don't know what is wrong with me lately, I know I am not being very good competition, I promise I will get better and more on track....just give me a couple days to bounce back

Breakfast: Fish...and then in a moment of weakness (I was even already full) a pop tart with Clark

Lunch:  Arby's/  4 Mozzarella cheese sticks and sauce, a few curly fries and a Mt. Dew (not diet)

Snack: Half an Oreo McFlurry... I felt so bad for eating it, I couldn't even finish it.

(Yes, we did got to two separate fast food restaurants today, we totally need an intervention.)

Dinner: Mac and cheese, small portion.

I am going to bed early to prevent myself from eating anymore.  The only working out I did was walking around the mall a few times, probably like 20 mins.

On a positive note, cause it is the only thing keeping me going right now, I did map out a 3-5 mile walking route.  I am not going to fight with the kids (or Jason) to get on the treadmill anymore/everyday.  Also, I finally got a doctor to re-new my hopefully that will help.  Everything is much better when I have/take them.  It is just too bad that I have to self medicate to be married to Jason, and be a decent Mom, and not a plumpy depressing bore.  Gah!  TMI...  I will be fine in a few days, and then y'all better watch your back.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kara's food and excercise for 11/19

Breakfast- half of a bagel and cream cheese. I know this was totally of my diet.
Lunch- grilled cajun chicken with cheese and onions on it, steamed broccoli and carrots, cup of chili. Diet coke (several)
Dinner- 4 grilled chicken legs. Diet pepsi
Snack- cheese and hot cocoa

40 min brisk walk
20 min cycle
1 hour swim

When do you weigh in?

Do you do it every day?

Morning, noon or night?

I've been weighing myself every morning before eating or drinking anything, but I'm only counting Monday weigh-ins as official weigh-ins because I started my diet on a Monday.  How about you guys?

Becca's F & E 11/19


Breakfast - Granola bar and 3 large glasses of water

Lunch - Chili and cheese with Frito chips and 1 large glass of water

Dinner - 1 carne asada burrito (refried beans, carne asada, cheese, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, gauc, & onions on flour tortilla).  1 bottle Mike's Hard Berry (cause com'on, dinner with the inlaws)
1 slice jello cake with whip cream


I worked while sitting on the exercise ball today for 5 hours - then I had to switch back to a chair.  I will take the dog for a short walk, but other than that no exercise.  I have too many dishes to do and I have to restart laundry again.

Oh yea, my steps yesterday was 1716.  I check the pedometer in the mornings since I wear it until getting into bed, gotta count every step I can.

Edit: Man, I love these pills! I felt no energy to get up and move, but the second I started moving I was okay.  I grabbed my MP3 player and I walked for an hour with the dog - just shy of 5K, one of my old routes I've already measured.

Ray's Food and exercise journal 11/19/2009

Scoop of PB
Half a carb smart yogurt (It's just not good!)

scoop of PB

Havarti cheese Slices
Roast beef slices

2 Sugar free Jello's w/sugar free whip cream (I was really craving candy)

Homemade Taco Salad made with a green salad, taco meat, cheese, Gauc, and Sour Cream

3 sugar free Turtles

I drank a ton of water today too! Also you should know that I haven't posted all the soda's I drink during the day. They are all diet so I never post since its like drinking nothing. But I do drink a couple a day.

1 hour spinning class where I probably burned off 4lbs and now my vagina is permanently numb.

Mini Goal & cheat days?

So me and Kara were talking and we think we need to set a mini goal to jump start everyone. I know we're struggling to stick to our diet and exercise plans. One idea I had was that we all put say $10 in the pot and whoever loses the biggest percentage of weight in a month, wins the pot? Or maybe whoever wins gets to pay $10 less if they lose the contest and the losers all have to pay $10 more? I dunno. Maybe we could even give away a cheat day. Like the person who does the best gets to have an extra cheat day?

I was also thinking we could all pick a date every month where we can cheat. I know for thanksgiving I am going to want some Potatoes and pie. And for Christmas I want to eat a little extra. So maybe we can chose our cheat day once a month. It might give us something to look forward to ya know?

Just a couple of ideas. If anyone has any ideas about these lets get them out there.

Kara's food and excercise for 11/18

Breakfast-- Ham and cheese, Diet Pepsi
Lunch- more ham and cheese more diet pepsi
Dinner- Taco salad with sour cream and guac. On the nastiest organic spring mix. I swear there was pine branches in it.

No snacks.
I went to bed at 7 and that was when I was suppose to exercise. I guess I have to do 3 hours today or make up for it this Sunday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I almost did it!

I started out good.

Breakfast:  Fish and spinach (I love salmon!)

Snack: I shared an apple with Harry.

Lunch: This is where it all goes down hill...
Turkey and cheese sandwich on wheat bread, and half a pop tart (Clark really wanted me to share pop tarts with can I say no to that face.)

Dinner: Jay forced me to get Panda Express, he is an unsupportive ass hole.
I had a rice bowl (my Panda finally has brown rice, yay) with chicken...actually not too unhealthy.  The 6 potstickers I ate, very unhealthy.

Jay got Carmel sauce, for me special, to make ice cream sundaes.  I really think he wants me to be plumpy forever...  I will most likely have some ice cream later.

Also, I did UP my water in take, a lot today...and no soda!!!

I REALLY REALLY tried to work out.  Except Jay wouldn't watch the boys and they kept trying to get on the treadmill with me.  Harry actually scrapped his hand up, and bumped his head trying to get on with me.  They think it is a toy.  I tried off and on for like 45 minutes but they wouldn't give me any peace.  I only managed 10 minutes of running.
At least today was a little better...

Ray's Food and exercise journal 11/18/2009


Raspberry Smoothie made with plain yogurt, splenda, and frozen raspberry

Spoon full of Peanut butter

Chili w/cheese and sour cream


Cafe Rio Salad (they screwed up and added rice, and I ate some of the whole wheat tortilla, I know I suck!)

Pickles & Carrots

45 minutes on the treadmill, 2.75 miles, burned 415 calories. Woot!

Becca's F & E 11/18


Breakfast - Just water again. It was cold and I didn't want to get up from my desk to get food.

Lunch - Half of San Francisco sandwich, handful of cool ranch doritos, and glass of 7up.

Snack - 1/2 apple cinnamon muffin and granola bar

Dinner - Beef and shrimp shish-ka-bobs, rice made with beef broth, steamed broccoli


Took the dog for a 10 minute walk.  Was going to go for a longer walk but it is freakin cold out there. 

I've been wearing a pedometer for months after reading an article about maintaining weight at 10,000 steps a day and losing weight at 15,000 steps.

I have only gotten near the 15,000 steps a few times and normally I'm between 2000 and 3000.  My steps yesterday were 3665.

Drink More water!

I just wanted to challenge everyone to try to drink more water. I hardly ever drink it so I am challenging myself too. Drink 7-8 8oz glasses of water every day!

Here are many reasons why it is important to drink water, especially if you are dieting:

* Initial weight loss is largely due to loss of water, and you need to drink an adequate amount of water in order to avoid dehydration.

* The process of burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in order to function efficiently; dehydration slows down the fat-burning process.

* Burning calories creates toxins (think of the exhaust coming out of your car), and water plays a vital role in flushing them out of your body.

* Dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume; a reduction in blood volume causes a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles; and a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles can make you feel tired.

* Water helps maintain muscle tone by assisting muscles in their ability to contract, and it lubricates your joints. Proper hydration can help reduce muscle and joint soreness when exercising.

* A healthy (weight loss) diet includes a good amount of fiber. But while fiber is normally helpful to your digestive system, without adequate fluids it can cause constipation instead of helping to eliminate it.

* Drinking water with a meal may make you feel full sooner and therefore satisfied eating less. Note, however, that drinking water alone may not have this effect. In order to feel satiated (not hungry), our bodies need bulk, calories and nutrients.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is it yesterday again...

I am in a funk, a bad one, and I can't shake it.  Today was the worst, no sticking to my diet and no exercise...I suck.

Breakfast:  Cookies and milk again.

Lunch: Fries w/mustard.

Snack: Apple

Dinner: Steak and potatoes.

I also had another diet makes me feel so dirty when I drink soda w/caffiene.  I am gonna go cut myself in the bathroom now.

I don't know why I am having a hard time getting back on track.  I feel so depressed lately.  I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday, so hopefully I can get some help (and a freakin' refill).  I did cook myself a lot of chicken and fish tonight, so I will have healthy food ready to microwave and eat.  I am going to put all my focus and energy to sticking to my plan tomorrow.

Also, my sister was telling me about these hcg diet drops.  That make your body think they are pregnant, and it helps you lose weight??? Anyway, I am wondering if you guys have heard of them, or anyone who has taken them.  My body actually always dose really well being pregnant (after I get past those first 4 months) so I was thinking of trying it.  Discuss...

Lets add a bowl of rocky road icecream to the list, and a cup of tea with way too much sugar.  I think I am going to go to bed now, before the list gets worse.

Kara's food and excercise for 11/17

Breakfast-- went back to sleep after Maddie's ride came.
Lunch- Southwest salad with added guac.
Dinner- beans and cheese.
Snack- Jello and whip cream.

Stayed on my diet today!!! YAY!!

No exercise because I slept in, then had a play date, then Jake went on a team activity.
I will double it tomorrow.

Becca's Food & Exercise 11/17


Breakfast - Um, I got distracted and skipped it... I had lots of water this morning.

Lunch - Trader Joe's peanut butter granola bar and 1/2 'San Francisco' sandwich (ham, turkey, cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato on wheat bread)

Dinner - Frito pie (Frito scoop chips topped with chili, cheese, and onions) & Cherry 7up

Snack/dessert - 1 red vine, 1 piece almond rocca


Does wearing my high heel boots for 8 hours count as exercise? I was walking all over the place and up and down stairs.

Really though, walk the dog for 30 minutes.

Becca's weigh-in & goal

Okay, following your lead I'll do my weigh in and goal post.

My weigh-in is 240 pounds. 

My overall goal is to be maybe 150 pounds? I don't know how long it will/should take me to get there.  It seems so far away... Lets say before I turn 30, I'm 27.

My goal before the end of 2009 - 220 pounds.

I am a cheater since I'm using diet pills (Heathe Trim) but I am eating small portions, trying to eat healthy, and I do exercise (sometimes).

Ray's Food and exercise journal 11/17/2009

Spoon of Peanut butter
Sugar free instant breakfast w/skim milk

Chili w/ cheese and sour cream
Bowl of steamed veggies

Handful of Pecans

Roast w/ Gravy (made with no flour)
Steamed Carrots

Jello Pudding snack Sugar free

I had one small cheat, I ate one miniature Semi Sweet chocolate bar.


Like I said before I went to the spinning class for 50 minutes. I probably burned 7 million calories based on how sore I am.

Spinning Class

First I joined a gym today. Its kinda ghetto but it has what I need to get fit. Anyway me and Shanda decided to try out the Spinning Class. I had never done one before. It was so awesome! They turn off all the lights and they have this black light on and like a light show. And they play fun music and the instructor kicks your ass if you aren't keeping up. I will say it killed my butt when we had to sit. But when we were standing and pedaling it felt like the best workout ever. It was a 50 minute class and I made it through the whole thing. We are going again on Thursday.
Oh best part is this gym has a kid room. No one watches the kids, but they can go in there and play and its just right across from the workout equipment. So now I can take Keaton on Mon/Wed and just leave him in there while I work out. I am so excited about my new gym!

Monday, November 16, 2009

April's Shitty Day

Breakfast- White toast w/butter, cookies and milk.

I didn't really try for the rest of the day, cause I already cheated.

More cookies, and homemade mac and cheese for dinner.  Lots of mac and cheese.

And a couple cans of diet soda.

I am mostly disappointed in the diet soda drinking.  I was doing so well, 6 weeks without it, but this week has been horrible.

None today.

I have a really hard time making time to work out (and keeping to my diet) when my house is so messy.  And lately, no matter what I do, I can't keep the house clean.  There is laundry and garbage everywhere, it totally brings me down and I can't concentrate on anything else.  So, for the next couple days I am only going to worry about eating right, and trying to get my house under control.

TIP For low carb diet

Todays Tip:

If you really need to eat a higher carb food such as a piece of fruit or whole wheat bread. Plan this right before you exercise. The exercise will burn the carbs quicker keeping your blood sugar from peaking.

Kara's food and excercise for 11/16

k I did kind of crappy on food. Mostly because I was having a narcoleptic day.

Breakfast-diet Pepsi
Lunch- Cheeseburger, Diet coke
Dinner- 2 big bowls of pasta.
snacks-- Diet Pepsi.
Awesome diabetic diet wouldn't you say.

Exercise--I went swimming for an hour.

I kept falling asleep all day today.

Ray's Food and exercise journal 11/16/2009

I did so so good today. I am so proud of myself. I even turned down donuts and chocolate cake at my play date today.


Re-fried beans and cheese (best breakfast ever, thanks for the idea Kara)

Carb Smart Yogurt (tastes like ass by the way)

Slices of cheese
Sugar Free pudding snack

Apple ( I am South Beaching but allowing one fruit a day if I get really hungry for candy)

Rotisserie Chicken
Havarti cheese slice

Sugar Free Jello w/whip cream

To kill my late night hunger I am drinking some sugar free cocoa.

Exercise, I took Keaton on a walk. But it was freezing so we didn't go far. I did do a lot of rearranging furniture and cleaning. I am going to join the gym tomorrow and so I will work out a lot more.